Five Common Postural Imbalances

Postural ImbalancesOur body is a complex system, and as such, it can be challenging to keep track of all the aspects that make up our structure. There are many postural imbalances that we experience daily, and the more we know about these imbalances. How they affect us, the better we can address them through prevention or treatment. The five common postural imbalances listed below will be explored in this article for those who want to learn more about what they may be experiencing. 

When you think about your posture, do you ever wonder if there’s something wrong with it? It turns out there could be! The human body is a complex system–and as such, it can be challenging to keep track of all the aspects that make up our structure. Luckily, there are five common postural imbalances that we experience on a day-to-day basis. The more you know about these imbalances and how they affect us, the better we can address them through prevention or treatment.

Types of Posture Problems 

You’re probably developing bad posture, without realizing it. You may hunch over small screens and slouch in chairs or carry heavy backpacks when walking around; maybe repetitive motions at work are to blame too?

We all have our unique causes for poor postural habits–but regardless, they can lead us down an unhealthy path if left unchecked!

Here are the most common types of poor posture.

Forward head

Forward head posture is when your head and shoulders are positioned in front of the vertical midline, leading to neck pain. It often occurs while driving or working on a computer, and both positions require you to lean forward slightly with an unnatural angle between ear height (or phone screen) and shoulder width for long use periods. Forward positioning also comes about as we age – our muscles lose strength over time, so they’re not appropriately aligned anymore without constant practice!

Cause –Sitting in an office chair for hours on end is not good. The use of technology while sitting can have detrimental effects on your body and health, so it’s essential to take breaks every now!

A recent study has shown that people who took a five-minute walk around the block had less stress than those without these little strolls outside – here are some ways you might be able to get up from behind a screen:

Solution- first, make sure that you are practicing good head posture by sliding your head backward and tilting it slightly downward. Next, get a massage or use one of those balls on top back muscles which can help relieve tension around the neck!

Rounded Shoulders

To have good posture, you should use the “Pencil Test.” Hold a pencil in each hand and stand with your arms at sides comfortably if they are pointing straight forward or face away from one another while tilted at an angle so that it is not touching anything except air for support when determining proper shoulder alignment by having them meet above the centerline of shoulders.

Rounded shoulders are the posture where the shoulder blades protrude and stick out too much, causing a hunching appearance. It can also make you look as if you have a more petite frame or less confidence, especially when going out with friends on a Friday night.

If there’s pain associated, then try repositioning yourself until this symptom subsides–but if it goes away, then you may be one of the lucky ones who have to push through for it to go back into place!

Cause- Over time, bad posture can lead to a variety of health problems. One way you might be unknowingly contributing is by typing at your desk all day long with poor postural habits or using an imbalanced exercise routine that exercises too much chest area and not enough backside!

Solution- A common problem with posture is a hunchback. The solution for this type of back pain could be as easy to implement as it seems: spend some time releasing your chest muscles, stretching out tight areas while strengthening those upper body postural muscles!


If you have a hunchback posture, it is recommended that a photo of yourself be taken from the side. If your upper back is excessively curved greater than 40-45 degrees as in this image right here and does not improve with regular stretching exercises, then consider consulting an occupational therapist for further guidance on how to correct this issue.

Cause- Common causes of poor posture could be your job, lack of exercise, or a sedentary lifestyle. For example, if you spend hours every day working behind a computer screen with bad postures such as the rounded shoulders and forward head posture, then chances are you’ll start to feel some pain in the neck area eventually!

Solution- Many different types of Massage Therapy can help you feel better again, so no matter what type of Massage Therapist is right for you, Massage Therapy could be just the thing you need to get your life back on track. Massage Therapy is a viral therapy due to its attractive benefits, including increased flexibility, relief of pain, and recovery after a sports injury. These therapies help people feel better physically even when they’re not at their most optimal.

Anterior pelvic tilt

An anterior pelvic tilt is when your pelvis is angled forward, which forces the curve in your spine. It can often be caused by sitting for long periods without enough exercise and stretching to counteract these effects of being seated all day at work or home. If you have an anteriorly-tilted posture, it may be that some muscles are tight while others aren’t as strong due to their lack of use over time; this will make one side look stiffer than another depending on what part(s) they’re focusing more energy towards correcting!

Causes- Sitting for long periods can cause several health problems, including tight hip flexor muscles.

Solution- Flexibility is an essential and often overlooked factor in fitness. It can help prevent or alleviate lower back pain by allowing for better posture, which helps distribute the pressure of the spine during exercise! When stretching your hip flexors with static lunges like Crescent Lunge, activating glutes through exercises such as Bridge Pose, foam rolling & hamstring stretch will have you feeling relief from tight muscles all over.


Once you have over-pronated feet, the space between your hands and ankles should be equal. If it’s not, this can mean that there are caving in areas on both sides of each foot where pressure is being applied, which causes an increased risk for injury because they’re so fragile!

Causes- Over-pronation is the most common cause of flat feet caused by obesity, pregnancy, or improper footwear. The pressure from standing on one’s toes all day weakens their arch leading to this condition where there isn’t enough support for the foot, causing pain when running or walking long distances with heavyweights.

Solution- When the arch is already weak or about to fall, orthotics are a good option. Running/walking barefoot may help strengthen it, but you should check with your therapists first because it could cause other problems like painful joints and Cartilage damage if not done correctly.

Good posture is a sign of good health, hygiene, and well-being. Bad postures can cause pain in the back as muscles are strained due to poor support provided to these areas when taken out of their neutral position, which leads you to have an unnatural forward head positioning or swayback/flatbacks condition. The aging process also plays its role by reducing bone density resulting in skeletal problems, including lessening muscle strength that may be needed for some critical movements, so we need stronger supporting tissues through stretches exercises targeted at strengthening those weak supportive groups.

People who spend most time sitting down often develop bad Posture habits over years if they do not know how important keeping ourselves upright while working on computer monitors all day long; spending too many hours looking at smartphones puts strain.

Richmond Hill Massage Therapy

 All in all, the common postural imbalances are nothing to be ashamed of. They can happen for several reasons, and they’re not permanent conditions that need to be fixed by surgery or medication. Thanks to Richmond Hill Massage Therapy, you don’t have to suffer through these issues on your own! We specialize in treating people who experience chronic pain, so get relief today with an appointment at our clinic. To know more information about how we can help, please contact us at (289) 809-0281.

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